Friday 22 May 2009

today was going to be good till nash and beresford came and fucked it up ):

Today was erm....good because science was prety funny all thanks to jon and jarvis :) they thought up a really good idea to annoy tom robbinson, who everyone hates
everyone cut off someof there hair and put it in his bag, and at the end of the lesson he was like, "THERES HAIR IN MY BAG" it was so funny because even the teacher found it funny :L
but before that dale was pissing himself because he had his first ever feast of celotape 8-) our bridge was so amazing because it couldnt even hold its only weigh (Y) but we still needed MORE TAPE!! well thats the best of today
lunch wouldve been fun but nash and berisford were being pricks and not letting us play bulldog so we didnt have fun doing that, instead we just layed on the grass enjoying the sunshine and talking, then chris kicked me and stamped on my chest because i read his text :S oh well he wasnt wearing shoes :)
english was boring ): we just read, well chris was playing pokemon...what a child 8-) then we found out our tests but yeah dale and conall just beat us all, maybe jon as well but i dunno.
i dont know why i feel the need to write more, its just so addictive and i just dont wana stop haha
half term!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i week of doing nothing or going out with pedro and other people and playing football tommorow and probably nothing else.

i hate nash and beresford for stopping bulldog ): god dale why do you have to be called nash